2 mins read
Last updated : 30-08-2023
Don't miss this fruit in your daily intake.
Banana is loaded with uncountable healthy nutrients, especially if you are working in software and sitting for long hours or too stressed take a gap and have a banana then you can feel the refreshment than you intake the tea or coffee. Banana relieves our muscle spasms for prolong doing same activity.
Everyday before start of the your daily work take a banana and feel the difference in energy levels than any other fruits. we mostly figure the fruits which are costly in the market than the benefits to our health. Its simply and easy to consume.
Kapooravalli banana are mostly not sold in the market since people looking for shelf life than the nutrient , moori's banana hybrid tissue culture bananas makes our health getting disturbed.
Where to buy banana online
Now no worries buying banana in India is very super easy just use of your finger tips look for Salemmango farm and book online get delivered anywhere in India.
Buying banana online makes easy way to avoid artificial ripened banana in the market. We Salemmango bananas are directly from our own farms which are completely under go all natural and traditional process to come with organic banana. We pick finest quality our banana has more nutritional content which re very good for your daily diet fiber needs. A little something good for everyone.
Banana flowers biryani lovers
Banana flowers are excellent in curing stomach ulcers and remedy for piles problems .Acts women mensural cramps relivers and easy digestive bloating curing food. Blood sugar are kept control while having regularly. People loves to have banana flower biryani once they tasted. don't miss the secrets recipe of Banana biryani.
Recipes for banana flower and Stem
Banana stem has amazing health benefits it can dissolve kidney stones when we use the tree bottom are cut and extact the water and drink in empty stomatch will helps the urinary infections problems. we can make the stem into tiny pieces and cook and make vada also with banana flower.
Banana skin treasure for gardners
After eating banana are you gardener then here is the special tips for use of bio manure from banana peels. people often through the people outside once eating banana.
Instead of buying manures for the plants you can make bio composite with banana peels/skin cut it into small pieces and soak it in water for three days and use it as fertilizer for plants.
It gives the healthy micro nutrients to the plants.
Happy banana eating to shop banana online please check Salemmango farm.
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