Is entertainment injurious to mental health?

2 mins read

Last updated : 06-02-2024

Is Entertainment injurious to mental health?

Recently a Doctor reveals exposure to the relational aggression in reality shows can increase aggression in viewers. Reality shows occupies more space in everyday life in most of the adults causing lots of issues in mentally and more in their lifestyles.

People unknowingly becoming addicted towards the Television and mobile usage without conscious about their day to day life activities.

How Entertainment occupies more space in Ones Life

In Olden days people works for long hours need some rest and for mental refreshment the entertainment comes into space. So the street dance and weekend dramas, music are made. Later over the years invention of theaters new Industry evolved as entertainment.

Television from 1927 most innovative entertainer ever created in the history. had made changes in humans life taking the space more than the usual way they used to spend on it. Instead of normal hours people started to watch the shows more time repeater without their knowledge.

Parallelly the computer makes the entertainment industry heavy bloom in the 2000s. Cinematic world uses the latest technology making the movies tasks much less time and earing well profits by the use of peoples time makes the money movements towards entertainment industry towards skyrocket.

After the evolutions smartphones made the industry to occupy a permanent space in everyday humans life when their are willing or unwilling to the usage. Smart phones and entertainment industry makes several issues in society and mentally suffers without knowingly.

When a child exposure towards a happy moments it captures and follows the same. by the same way when negative scenes are more impact than the positive.

Nowadays entertainment industry needs more regulations and control over the bad behaviors making the generations more worry some.

Watching serials and TV shows becomes addicted in many Indian families , Most of them sit IN front of the Tv on having the foods, its bad behaviors to health their are unconscious about what they are feeding to kids or what they are ate in their plates.

People working in shifts faces heavy mental illness with longer espouse to lights to their eyes. Usage of smart phone after the lockdown has increased maximum even children's are advised in some schools to use the home assignment's in mobile WhatsApp technology.

The food habits of fast fried foods in used oils at higher temperatures can generate free radicals that cause cell damage on the skin and can affect skin elasticity. Now white rice's with bleached outer skin are not good source of food. chocolates are loaded with white refined sugars makes health issues.

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